About Us
Data Research Analysis Security Systems Lab
As an organization driven by the belief that everyone deserve privacy as explicitely stated in book of law. We're doing data and cyber research, analysis for protecting privacy, security, empowering individuals and advocating positive change.
DRASS Lab is highly qualified and technology-driven R&D laboratory. DRASS Lab performs deep and continuous research in various cybersecurity fields. We integrate this research into our services, from the invention of innovative technology to the creation of novel intelligence. DRASS Lab continuously invests to support the detection and analyses of vulnerabilities, malware and persistent threats, allowing organisations to effectively mitigate risk and defend themselves against sophisticated attacks
Cyber Data Auditing
Cyber, Data and Privacy compliance privacy risk assessments
Cyber Research & Analysis Tools
Innovative technology to the creation of novel intelligence. .
Cyber Awareness Program
Train employees and individuals to be aware of cybersecurity risks.
Validation of Data Breaches
Security violation of sensitive, protected or confidential data
Contact US
Wakad, Pune 411057